Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just a list of the books I'm working through this week *It was different last week and the week before. :P Constantly changing as I work through my local library*.

I was really impressed with all of these books, that's why I'm listing them!! :D. I should make this a habit. Hmmm.

Dog Law (Mom, read this book!!! I'm beggin' ya.)
The Supreme Court of The United States (Good book)
Family Legal Guide (This is a GREAT book if you're curious about common laws and how they work for YOU. Great book!! I've already read it a couple of times, but I'm working my way through it again)
The Great Movies by Roger Ebert (EVERYONE needs to read this book...all I got to say on the subject :D)
Strategy (This one's very's about the strategies in wars in the past. Medieval period)
How to make money with myspace (Iffy)

Then there's: Hitler, The Germans, and The Final Solution by Ian Kershaw. VERY, VERY, VERY DEEP. Love it!! :D This book makes me happy. ;). I love reading historical, detailed books that are written by people who've studied the subject for over thirty years and have invested their entire careers to the subject. :D. Always better than those "one time project" writers. :P.

I'd check any of these out if you're looking for a great read!!! :D. I'm also reading Dark Heart, my friend gave it to me. My fantasy fix of the week. ;). I'm thinking of re-reading Pratchett's Thud! this week too. :).