Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Job Application....Woe

Okay, I went into town and had a mini job interview spontaneously when I dropped off my latest application at a phone answering service. :P. Yeah. I know. Get it out of your system, feel free to laugh it up. I know that I did, but still, it pays good and it's not hard. You just got to talk to a LOT of people. *Sigh*. Still, money is SO worth it!! I should be getting a phone call tomorrow or the next day, they said. Then I will go in for a "formal" interview and I will probably work a four hour shift for training...she said the first two shifts are training and I won't be paid for those, but at least I'll know if I'll be able to handle the job.

I'll be able to. ;). No worries! If there is one thing that I do very, very, very well it is ADAPTING to new environements. It'll be great. ;). I also have on more application that I might bring in tomorrow. This one I'm really hesitant on, even though I know that I need work, because it is almost forty minutes away. That's a lot of solo driving time. *Winces* Have I mentioned that I HATE driving? The phone thing is close enough that I can walk if I need to. ;). It'll be good.

I got to see my friends new apartment that she's renting with a friend and it is REALLY nice. The building used to be a church and it got burned inside so they totally rebuilt it and WOAH! It's huge and really nice. :D. If I had the money I would room with them. It's that niice, but I don', Nat-han wants the room. ;). Then I could hang out over there anyway. :P.

I was out just "hanging" with that same friend for almost four hours last night. The people kept telling me to get out of the house and socialize so I did. I'm afraid that I wasn't the best of company though. *heavy sigh*. I'm still dealing with this emotional WIERDNESS that is leaving me so sad. Hmmm. I need to figure out what's causing it before I get depressed again. I've worked really hard this time NOT to fall back into a depressed slump.

I have great friends and family. I will overcome! Ha! ;). :).


TLC's said...

sooo, who are the friends that you hung out with? I'm glad you got out of the house for a change!!! I hope you had a great time! So, how was the mini interview. Have a great week. I got a call from someone else who would like me to be their senior companion ( take them shopping, dr. appts etc) If I can work it around my current job I will. Tomorrow I'm meeting Criss at the Casino and we are having lunch. Will probably be the last time we can get together till next spring... I'm sure we will have fun. Catch you later!

Ebbtide said...

It was Kathy. :P. :). ;). Have fun, fun, fun!!! :)