Monday, August 4, 2008

Work, Work, Work

I'm off to work, yet again. Today is my last day before I finally get some time off. (Tue. and Wed.). I had thought that I got Wed. and Thur. off, but not so! I finally looked at my actual work schedule. ;). Maybe I should have tried that tactic FIRST. lol.

I hope today is a good day.
My back has been hurting really bad with this job (Lots of lifting, stairs, etc.). But all already knew that, I'm sure. ;).

I'm addicted to X5-494...Yeah. Definitely. I think I'll go and find some good wallpapers to download. Not to mention, a few SGA and Stargate SG-1 wallpapers for my laptop. :). Who DOESN'T like scifi! lol. :D.
I'm still trying to figure out how to make my own postcards here at home. Not going so well. *Sigh*.

Well, I gotta get ready to leave for work. I'll post when I get home. I drew some more...maybe I'll get that up here. ;). BTW, that mermaid is a character in one of my oldest stories. It's a scifi/fantasy about a mermaid planet in the future. She's a cool character. I think I'll color it and then post that up here. :). We'll see!

More later, but until then, you all have a really, really good day!!! :D