Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Cheer

Hey, everyone!!!

Christmas this year went just simply splendid.....erm, and by that I mean that people got along quite well and nobody missed out on being there. :). That was a really cool part of the entire thing. :).

I did miss not being able to see Mel this Christmas, but we had a nice long chat on the phone so that was okay...Still, it would've been very cool if she had been there with me. ;).

I got the COOLEST gifts this Christmas. :D. Although, like I said, the people being there and getting along was the nicest part of the entire thing. :). Anyway, I got a CD player, 4 Terry Pratchett books!!!!! Yeah!!!!! :D. Those are terrific books and everyone should check them out. ;). (**If they want to).

I also got two movies. Underworld: Revolution (**YES!) and King Arthur. That was fun...erm, and I got some cool things from my Grammie.

Ooooh!!! And my Great-Grammie just loved her blanket!! I was so happy about that. :). LOL. I was working on it Christmas morning...still hiding the ends. That's how down to the wire I was on that project. lol. ;). Still it turned out good.

NOW I have to focus all of my attention on getting Friday finished. Yes, Mel, I've worked on it some. ;)! Surprise!! But don't ask for an update until I'm completely done with the intro for each character...not sure if I'm going to be able to keep everything straight in my head without the first episode on the computer for me to look up the details on. *Sigh* The computer is so broken that we won't be able to do anything about it for several months. Looks like it's just me and the library. :). That's going to be only two - Maaaaayyyybbbbeeee three days a week. :).

You all take care of yourselves. :). Even if you don't hear from me, I'll be thinking of you! Have a great week.