Okaaay, I didn't mention this under Christmas Presents in the previous post because it deserves a post of it's own! :D. Mel, my wonderful, smart, perfect, Mel....got me FIREFLY!!!!! The WHOLE series!!!! Yeah. :).
Thanks, Mel. ;). *Hugs*
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Posted by Ebbtide at 10:32 AM 2 comments
Christmas Cheer
Hey, everyone!!!
Christmas this year went just simply splendid.....erm, and by that I mean that people got along quite well and nobody missed out on being there. :). That was a really cool part of the entire thing. :).
I did miss not being able to see Mel this Christmas, but we had a nice long chat on the phone so that was okay...Still, it would've been very cool if she had been there with me. ;).
I got the COOLEST gifts this Christmas. :D. Although, like I said, the people being there and getting along was the nicest part of the entire thing. :). Anyway, I got a CD player, 4 Terry Pratchett books!!!!! Yeah!!!!! :D. Those are terrific books and everyone should check them out. ;). (**If they want to).
I also got two movies. Underworld: Revolution (**YES!) and King Arthur. That was fun...erm, and I got some cool things from my Grammie.
Ooooh!!! And my Great-Grammie just loved her blanket!! I was so happy about that. :). LOL. I was working on it Christmas morning...still hiding the ends. That's how down to the wire I was on that project. lol. ;). Still it turned out good.
NOW I have to focus all of my attention on getting Friday finished. Yes, Mel, I've worked on it some. ;)! Surprise!! But don't ask for an update until I'm completely done with the intro for each character...not sure if I'm going to be able to keep everything straight in my head without the first episode on the computer for me to look up the details on. *Sigh* The computer is so broken that we won't be able to do anything about it for several months. Looks like it's just me and the library. :). That's going to be only two - Maaaaayyyybbbbeeee three days a week. :).
You all take care of yourselves. :). Even if you don't hear from me, I'll be thinking of you! Have a great week.
Posted by Ebbtide at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tina c.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
And Then There was No- It was Broke
My computer fried again. *Sigh* You'll only get uploads from the library for now. We spent all our extra money on Christmas stuff so we'll have to wait a while to be able to afford to fix it. ;).
You all enjoy your Christmas. :D. Merry Christmas!!!!
Posted by Ebbtide at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: merry Christmas
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Good Beat - - *ahem* Song.
Yes, I found another song. ;). This one has a great beat! Matt-hew introduced me to this great artist - Cascade. :). Now on my top five. All of their songs that I've heard so far have such great beat!! :D.
The Final Fantasy theme is for Matt-hew. ;)!
You all have a wonderful day!
Posted by Ebbtide at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Christmas Crochet Disaster
Okay, here are some pictures of my Christmas Crochet projects. :). Some scarves and a couple of slippers. They are for a friend of mine. I still have a hat and another pair of slippers to finish before this weekend. *Wipes sweat from brow* Luckily, I'll have a break after the Christmas season. ;). Crocheting so much is making my fingers just ache something horrible. lol. Who'd a thunk? ;)
Let me know what you think of them. :).
Posted by Ebbtide at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I just wanted to dedicate this blog post to my friends. Those amazing people who have stuck by me throughout these years. Wow! Thank you guys so much. :).
Posted by Ebbtide at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Got Quote??
Do any of you have a favorite quote?? - I know at least ONE of you do. ;). lol.
If so, put it into the comment section. :D. Here's my fav. quote...well, one in a million. ;).
“Potter! Stop this right now! I’m trying to help you!” Snape said harshly. “I was put in charge of your care, therefore I will care!” ~ Muggleville by Padawan Jan-AQ
Posted by Ebbtide at 10:39 AM 4 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Figure Skating Madness
I have an illness...an addiction really. It's called Figure Skating. :D. I cannot get enough of it. ;). Here's a really fun program performed by Sasha Cohen - the amazing women figure skater!! Check it out. :).
Have a great day, ya'all. :)
Posted by Ebbtide at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Frelling Blanket...Yeah. That One!
You all know about THAT blanket. The one I've been working on really hard...for the last forever. Right?? You remember the one??? Well, it's just a few hours away from done and I wanted to get some before and after. I'll post the after right before I wrap it up for Christmas. ;). Let me know what you think. I did not have a pattern or fixed idea about this when I started...and now that I'm almost finished I'm still in that same position. lol. It was all spontaneous, random and hard. :). It's going to go to my Great-Grammie!! She's really cool. :). I like her a lot. :D. Anyway, without further ado, here's them pic's. ;).
I'm really, really tired and am now going to bed. ;). You all have a great night and morning and week. :).
***There are eight squares missing in this pic. Because I hadn't yet got them in when I took the picture. No worries, they'll be there. ***
Posted by Ebbtide at 10:18 PM 4 comments
Labels: blanket, Christmas girft, Crochet
Monday, December 10, 2007
Links Lingering Loss
Okay, when I put a new template on my blog all of the links got deleted, so if you are looking for a link that I DID have up...just send me an e-mail (through my profile page) and I'll send you whatever link you want. ;).
Oh! And I hope you all are enjoying a wonderful holiday season!! :)
P.S. Have any of you seen Elf yet?? Just wanting some reviews before I rent.
Posted by Ebbtide at 12:14 PM 2 comments
Labels: holiday season