Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Today: Just Stuff

Today I felt like updating you on what I have been up to - namely, what has been keeping me so preoccupied that I have been unable to blog!!! I have been writing. Not just your normal story writing, I am talking hard-core WRITING.

Not only have I completely finished a number of stories, but I am very close to finishing several others. These past two weeks I have gotten so much writing done it isn't even funny, but my best writing hours are in the middle of the night. :p So, I've been getting writing done, but that is ALL I have been getting done. At least, that is what it feels like.

On my to do list for this week I have to keep on writing, upload more vids to my youtube account and help my little brother, Matt-hew, with a video mini series that he wants to film. ;) I'm going to be his sidekick. lol. Go figure!

Anyway, I should be getting a lot done this summer, but blog posting will probably NOT be one of them. So, if you do not hear from me for a while at least you now know where I have gotten myself off to. ;)

Enjoy your summer!!!


Mel said...

I'll forgive you as long as you don't forget to e-mail.

bassfrog said...

;) Never would I do that. :)

Mel said...

Ah, gee, thanks Nathan!