Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good music

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Today and Supernatural

Supernatural is the best thing ever and I love Jensen Ackles. LOVE the man. End of fangirl shout out. :D.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Okay. Just a thought. Why do we have to have a hiatus??!!! Supernatural's been MIA for WEEEKS and I miss it. :(. Not to mention the last two episodes that aired weren't exactly stellar in quality - although they were fine in my book because of the GREAT, FINALLY ANSWERED questions of what happened to Sam after Dean died and what Dean was doing in hell - Krissy has brought up new questions towards this development though. Hm. The hell scene, is it complete!??? O_O!!!??

Anyway. I miss Supernatural and no amount of re-runs will make me any less anxious for Jan fifteenth to roll around.

Just watched the new batman movie. When I'm done here I think I will watch again. It was, by far, the best acting I've EVER seen. Dudes, I watch a lot of TV.Movies and it was THE BEST. Hands down. ;). Heath Ledger rocks!! :). Love the guy.

Okay. Still sick today. Hopefully I'll be better by Christmas...That's in, like, what... two days?!! No sweat. Sigh.

Going to Nat-han's in the morning. :).

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm Just Peachy



I'm feeling random today. Went into town and I used Grammie's niiice car to do it. :P. It drove real niiice. ;). I think, maybe, just maybe, I'm hooked on driving it!! :D WooT!

Going to write/draw/crochet/watch TV - in other words, typical ME stuff. ;). You all have a great night. :D


Me and Mel won't be able to chat on YIM for a while since she will be at Internet....really, almost, non-existent. :(. Miss her already!!!! And it's only been a few hours.

I thought eight weeks without Supernatural would surely DO ME IN, but this is so much worse!! :(

Alright, today I am going into town later, otherwise I'm just hanging around at home. Not having a good week. The meeting yesterday went like...bad. So, I'm not getting a job anytime soon, I suck and the world is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not even aware of how much it's missing out not having me employed. JK. :P. lol.

I'll be okay. Everything will work out in the end. Still, having a bad week. Nite, Krissy, Mel and others have helped to make me laugh and feel better - but now Mel's GONE from the world of the Inter-Web. :( :( :(. At least, for fourteen days. *sigh* .She's six hours away and neither of us have a way to SEE each other. :(. Sad times, indeed. *sigh*

Monday, December 15, 2008


Today was one of those know.

End of story.

Nite, World.



Going in to talk with the College Advisor in less than an hour. *nervous*. I hope it goes well.

Meeting with some people from the Department of Labor tomorrow. Trying to get me a job. *sigh*.

Things going c-cold. Lot-s-sa s-snow!! *burr* . (wait a minute, isn't a bur those things that get caught in your know, the plant thing?!) /:). Hm.

Later, World.

Made a new art post on my Seasoned Simile Axiom blog. ;). :).

Monday, December 8, 2008

Just A Quizz

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Midland

"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

The West
The South
North Central
The Inland North
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Saturday, December 6, 2008

O-oa-kaay!! Rii-iight-ie

I'm having another all-nighter. *Rubs tired eyes**yawns* I am exhausted, but just cannot sleep.

Third day in a row I haven't been able to sleep before early morning hours. So tired. Must go to bed. *Yawn*

I'm almost done with the scarf. Surfing the web to help my tired mind decide that sleep IS the best recourse.

Must. Sleep. Soon.

NIGHT, World. *Yawn*.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Okay, so, not so bad

Got the tax information.

Got out of the house for a little bit.

Got more reviews for my story.

Got a little bit of the cash due me..from Nat-han.

So. Okay, not so bad after all. ;).



Just Another Day In Paradise

I've been really on edge the last few days. Bet no one can guess *why*, huh, Mel.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna try and get out of the house as much as possible today and tomorrow, even if it's just to walk around town. I need to get out of here for a while. I'm just antsy and anxious - not so much today as I was yesterday though, which is good - and I need a change of atmosphere.

I don't have any money left so I won't be going anywhere ... like, the restaurant. So, I'll probably just wander around town checking out stores and going window shopping. 'Cause that's so fun. Nat-han is supposed to get paid today so hopefully he will pay me back - I need him to so that I can pay my Internet bill. *Bites lip*. *Winces* Ouch. Okay and that didn't even HELP.


Must go. Will return. Post more about life, the universe and everything later on. 42, people! 42!! ;). It's all good. ;). :D :D :D

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Goodnight World

Am exhausted. Must sleep. Goodnight.

I'm just finishing up a few more rows on my latest scarf - I'll post a picture when I'm finished with it. ;).

I'm also re-watching and re-watching Psych vids. :P. I like the music and I like the clips and ... well, let's face it. ;). I LIKE Psych! lol.

You all have a really great night. *Yawn*. Goodnight. ;).


Today Was Okay

I ended up driving Grammie back from Sandpoint. Yeah. Then I spent a couple of hours on the phone. *Insert Sarcasm* I had fun.

OooH! I got more chapters written on Nirvana, more written on Incongruous and I decided that my story If God Made Pineapples Then.. is going to be a one-shot. Every sequel chapter I try to construct has fallen like a house of cards on a windy day. Pretty, but ultimately useless and... well. ... ..let's face it. The cards are down. :P Anywhoo. I'm tired.

Watched Jumper again today. I think I'm going to relax with a little Supernatural and get some crocheting done for Christmas.

Still no snow and it's the fourth of December, Huh. What does that mean? It must be weird...'cause at mom's there's snow. *Shrug* Whatever.

I'm just glad the roads were brightly lit and clear while I was driving today!! YEAH!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tomorrow...NOT Today!

I am going to go in with Grammie to the hospital tomorrow, because I was still unable to get through to that lady...and because I really, REALLY don't feel comfortable with Grammie driving anywhere by herself. Especially on those heavy pain meds. :(. I don't like her driving, plain and simple, while she's on those things.

They make her different.

All of the pain medications make her different. She's not the same person when she's on them and I never EVER want to be on pain meds again if it makes me like that. Not cool.

I have written a lot today. Trying to figure out how to get the second chapter of If God Made Pineapples Then... is causing me some problems since I had no story in mind when I started writing it. I just wanted a fluff piece involving the great fruit that is pineapple. *Sigh*. I give myself impossible tasks. Now I have to figure out a meaning for my story and write it out before I can end it...Yeah. Easy. Hmphff.

Other than that, I'm almost done with my fourth chapter of Nirvana. I'm really enjoying that story. ;). Not sure just how well I am doing with it though. :(. Reviews are pretty good so that's something. *Sigh*.

There were no new jobs again today. :(.

I miss Melissie. :(.

*Hugs* Mel.

That's it for now....*Sigh*....

Okkaaaay. How do I FEEL?


I've been trying to get ahold of that lady all freaking day long and the phone has been busy the WHOLETIMEANDI'MGETTINGREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYTIREDOFIT!!!

*Whew* Rant over. Okay. I'm better now. ;). No worries. I'm sure I'll get through to her eventually. She doesn't have call waiting so it's harder to get her on the phone...she calls a lot of people. Totally understandable considering what she's going through, but I need the money. I'm beginning to feel just a tinsy bit desperate here....

Christmas is almost here...*Low enthusiasm jump for minimal joy* Yeah. :I k.

I hope that things go better this next week. Grammie is going in for her checkup tomorrow so I will be going with her...should prove interesting. *sigh*. I'm doing okay. Really. I promise. *Sigh*.

I finished a third chapter of Nirvana, wrote a drabble and wrote the first section of my VERY FIRST Psych fic. Yeah!!! ;). Supernatural is going to be back in just a few short weeks - like six. . .yeeaaah.

Post more later...I guess. Later, World. *Hugs* Mel, you rock! TTYL mom. ;).


This is a really awesome Psych vid!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Okay...Here's how it went down

Alright, so I'm reading along, enjoying my angst-fic when All Of A Sudden...WHAM! It hits me. :D. I'm actually not depressed!! lol!! This week....

Anyway. I think that I feel better every time I go to work for that lady because then I get out of the house. Actually, even if I just go into town and spent half an hour walking around doing nothing I always feel a little bit better about life. Hmmm. Still. I need work then I won't be moping around the house for months at a time.

OMGOSH! Months. It's been MONTHS....Okay, maybe I still have a few loose tears. :P. Just kidding. I'm still happy...just not about the *points to proceeding words*.

My Grampa just got home from work. He's not going to be happy to find out *I* didn't go to work today!! lol. He's kinda like that...but I still luve the dude to death!! :D :D


Nat-han stopped by today. He borrowed some more money and downloaded his "monetary woes" to me for twenty minutes before taking off again to go to work. *Shakes Head* He was in the negative in his bank account so...I paid the difference. Dude. I suck. Everyone and I literally mean EVERYONE has been telling me not to do that...but what was I suppose to do?!! He's going down for Drill this week and he wouldn't of had any money!!

Speaking of money. I have to do something. My fund are too low! God, if you read blogs, HELP!!

*Ahem*. On a brighter subject. :D. I now know that Nirvana will have a sequel! Yeah! ;D. Aaand it will probably involve another crossover, but I'm not sure which *Scratches Head*. Several ideas have popped into my ever-active brain and I'm going to have to sort through to see which will work out better.

*sigh* My Grammie is starting to look better, but she slept ALL DAY LONG today...that's not like her and it has me worried. That woman wouldn't sleep all day if her life depended on it....bad choice of words, but you get my drift.

I really worry about her...and Grampa too! And Matt-hew! And Nat-han and -Hold that thought, the phone is ringing.! - Okay, it was my mom.

And I have to get off of here anyway and quit posting because I'm making dinner. :P. Pasta with tomatoes, veggies and meat. . . ugh. I am so sick of meat.

I think I'll gag now, excuse me.


Okay. Moment over. I'm good now.

So, you all have a really great day!! I'll try to post more later assuming something comes up. I checked, but there were no new places to send in applications. Maybe tomorrow someone will call me back. *Fingers Crossed*

You know, I wrote a horror story a loooooo-oooooo-ooooo-oooong time ago when I was in high school and it had this skeleton ghost thingy that crossed it's fingers. Hmm. Surprised that I still remember that!! :D.

My memory isn't all mush. :P. lol. Have a great day ya'all!! :D :D

Blessing Or Curse...Will I Thank Her Later???

Okay, my lady I'm working for just called me - I think I'm really beginning to like her after all. :P - and she said that I can't come in to work today because something came up. :(. I was really looking forward to getting paid, but one of the things about this kind of work is in REALITY...tends to push everything out of it's way and walk stubbornly all over our plans. *Heavy Sigh*.

I'll probably spend a significant portion of today calling back businesses, dropping off more applications and running around town to see if any of the restaurants are hiring. :(. Typical...fruitless stuff. *Sigh*.

BUT I am concinved that today will be a good day!! After all....I...Um, they....erm...Huh. No reason to explain. I just "think" it. :P. Anywhoo, later for now.

Today's the Day....4 More Sleep!!!!

I had cheerios for breakfast. Slept in. It's almost ten. *Sigh*. I have an hour before I leave for work and I still have a RFA sequel to read and a show to take. *Rolls Eyes* AND all I can think about this morning for some odd reason is Sarah Gray and the Children of The Serpant Gate - wonderful book for anyone who hasn't read!!! :D
I hope today will go good. The lady I'm working for said yesterday that she wanted me to stay a little bit later today so I am probably going to do that. I okay with that, but Grammie still isn't looking or sounding too hot. Actually, it sounds like she's coming down with something. NOT GOOD.
I hope to get more written on Incongruous and Nirvana later today. ;). I already have several chapters of Nirvana planned out in my head so writing it shouldn't take quite so long. ;). :).
You have a great day, World!!! *Hugs* Mel. ;). Hope you aren't too tired!!

I'm Ruined

I just spent the last...five hours or so reading a really great story. It is now almost two in the morning...and I work today.

I went to sign off and well...the story has a prequel and two sequels. I'm ruined. There is just no way that I can go to sleep without reading them!!! Can't happen.

Later, World. PSYCHFIC.COM rocks!!!! :D

Monday, December 1, 2008

Back from Work

Work went well.

Grammie's still not doing too good.

I just looked at my bank account. *Shudders* It ain't pretty, people

I NEED A REAL JOB!!! I put in some more applications. :(. But nothing seems to be working. How do you turn the job machine ON. ???.

Well, hope that you all are having a great day! Poste more later. ;).

Okay, Totally NOT Cool

Feeling a bit like a ... dk.

My Grammie is looking awful this morning - sounding horribly weak too - but I FINALLY got called in to work for that lady and I need the, BAD. So, I'm going in, but I feel horrible leaving my Grammie in this state. *Bites Nails*.

I'm leaving her the number for where I'll be working and I'll be back in a heartbeat if she needs me for ANYTHING, but I still feel bad about leaving. My Grampa went back to work today - first day he's been back since the heart attack.


I have to take a shower, get dressed and go. I have less than an hour before I need to be up at that ladies house. It's only going to be for about three hours today, but I'm okay with that. I'll ALMOST be able to pay off my Internet bill for the month with that much. :P.

Yes. Money is short this season. *Sigh*. But at least I've already got all my Christmas presents done and finished and "squared away". I totally hate that phrase. Ughegh. My dad used it all the time. Anywhoo, got to go. Post more later!!! Wish me luck!!


Chapter two of Nirvana is up. I am SO loving this story!! Nite, world.

Ugh. It's two in the morning and I go to work today. *Rolls Eyes* I picked a sweeeet time to stay up all night. *facepalm*. Hope you all have a great night/day/week/whatever! :D. *Hugs*, Mel. :).

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nirvana Again

Chapter one of Nirvana is up. Chapter twenty-ish of Incongruous is over!! Yeah. Now it's just the going back and totally fixing it up that I have left to do. *Sigh*.


Currently watching Without A Paddle - love it! ;). :D :D :D :D

Writing about Nirvana

Writing a new fic idea. Dean Winchester meets Daniel Jackson. wOOt! :D I am calling it Nirvana. :D. :D.

You all have a great day. I'm exhausted, but otherwise doing well. ;). *Hugs* ya'all!! :D

Saturday, November 29, 2008


JUST finished, it's just after midnight. Or right before. NS. Am exhausted. Can't think straight. Head hurts. Neck hurts. BRAIN hurts.

Must never write on a deadline again. *Note to self*.

You all have a good one! I'm gonna watch one last Equilibrium clip on youtube and then go to SLEEP! Hopefully until midnight tomorrow night. :P. Yeah, right. lol.

I need work. Send supportive thoughts my way, guys!! ;). Miss you all. Night, World. Post more tomorrow. Must sleep.... or else... will..... *ZZzzzZZZzzZZZzz*


Writing. Writing. Writing. Writing. Writing!!!


Okay, I juust finished a run through season one of Bleach. Kathy let me borrow for the week. WHEW! It was one intense and great ride!!

I now have a new show that I'm a fan of. :P.
Bleach is perfectly awesome because it's just as much about the plot as it is about the characters. I love that!

The art is wonderfully done, the storyline itself is just unique and awesome. Great show!!

:P. There's even a glasses wearing, red head who just happens to be a lesbian. :P. lol!!
Anyway, good day today.

It's late though so I'm tired now. *Sigh*.

I'll post more tomorrow!! ;). Have a great weekend, World! *Hugs* Mel!!! *Smile* :).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I just finished a looot of cooking. I made...lost of stuff and I am now exhausted! Totally exhausted. ;).

Signing off for the night. Later, folks!!

Watched Get Smart and Hancock last night. ROFLMAO! They were both great. They restored my faith in movies again. :D. After Supernatural I thought that there couldn't be anything to compete. Hancock proved me wrong. That movie IS AWESOME!!!

Racial Slurrs

Okay, this has got to stop. End of story.

Nat-han said another racial joke that ended in a hanging. I am not going to stand for this any longer. It's wrong and it is something that I will NOT put up with! He needs to grow up and get a brain already.

It is wrong for him to say things like that and he is old enough to know that. He is also very aware of my feelings on the matter and still he feels the need to spout these "jokes" around me.


*IS unhappy* :(.

Today was busy. I'm still busy. Post what happened later. Night for now, world.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Movies and Other Stuff

I'm watching The Day After Tomorrow. Love that movie. :D. ;).

Went to town, bought all my Christmas gifts. Am not totally broke. Dk what I'm going to do about paying my internet bill this month. *Sigh*. I'll figure it out. Remember that post waay back about "God IS real"...well, I'm gonna choose to believe that's the case and something will work out for me before something horrible happens. ;).

You all have a great one. *glomps*. :D


Okay. Well, I am going into town. Grammie and Grampa JuuuuST got in so she's back and looking really, really...huh. Sick? Like she just got done with major surgery. :P. Which, she did. lol.

Anyway, I have to go into town and boy some food for Thanksgiving. And get milk, pickles, green olives and stuff. lol. ;). Ah. Yogurt, can't forget the yogurt.

Now, if only I can remember to bring that bag for the groceries. :P. I bought several of those bags so that I don't need to use paper or plastic from the stores. lol. I got the bags and can't remember to USE them. lol. I am so great. :P. lol.

Anyway, I also have to go around town and see if anyone is hiring. Sometimes they only post it on the doors of the businesses - although, I already know that no one is hiring - I've gone around all the businesses (Did that when I first lost my job) and all the places that I could work at...well, lets just say they were "overstaffed". It's a sickness. Because there are so many young people in this town that need work. Not cool so now I'm still looking, but I'm going to go around town anyway. You just never know.

So, then I have the library that I need to go to. AND the bookstore. And the post office. Hmmm. Yeah, then I'm going to just leave it at that. I won't go out to eat today. :P. Don't have the money.

lol. I think that life is funny! :D

*Hugs* Mel, have a good one.

TTYL. Mom. ;). Try to find that blanket for me, pls. Matt-hew said that he knew where it was. . .yeah.

Been working on my scarf. And Hat-thing. *Sigh*. Luv me some Supernatural. Thursday is Thanksgiving. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. ;).


i was woke this morning by a phonecall that was bad. no work again. i want work.

Mel made things better, but it still sucks that i don't have work again.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Well, my Aunt Terri is the best Aunt on the planet and we have been having a lot of fun today!

Dude, she's awesome...:D*GIANTGRIN*. Too fun

We spent a couple of hours oggling at stuff in Target to waste time while we waited for my Grampa's tests to finish. We just have the car wash left and then we are going back to the hospital to pick him up. Yeah. :D.

Poste more later. ;). Today has been awesome-ness!! AND I bought Nat-han's Christmas present. lol. ;). :D.
We are at the Happy Hippo Car Wash which just happens to be THE BEST CAR WASH IN THE WORLD, in my Aunt's ho *Humble Opinion. ;). I agree, it's pretty...well....yeah. Great.

At Car Wash

Had fun today. At the carwash. Got to go.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kathy - :D

Today I was feeling a little overwhelmed by things, but I didn't know that I was feeling that way. :P. I thought I was getting along just fine and then Kathy called - she's a good friend of mine - and I told her about all the things that had happened recently. LOL. And right away she said, "Okay, I'm coming over. You don't need to be alone right now". lol. And she did.

We didn't even really talk that much, she was just THERE and it's weird, but it did make me feel better. Today has been a great day and her prescence helped me to not feel quite so down. Hm. Had no idea that being around people was like that. WOW! Can't believe that just came out of my keyboard...hmmmm. Anyway, I think I'll make a point of getting out more and visiting my friends more often. ;). Maybe then I won't post so many *CRY* Posts. :P.


I'm at a restaurant eating my dinner - french fries, Mt. Dew and a Turkey sandwich. :D :D . It's good! I brought my laptop, obviously, and I'm going to try and get at least another thousand words done before I leave. The deadlines coming so fast!! I don't know if I'm going to have time to finish this novel in a day!!! NEEEK! :(.

I'll keep you all updated. ;). Later, World!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oh, *YAWn* YeAH.

*Yawn*. I almost forgot. I started crocheting my first scarf of the season. First scarf since last Christmas. OMGosh. *FAINTS*. I just realized that it's been an entire YEAR since I moved up here - well, it will be in Jan. Same diff. *GOES BACK TO FAINT POSITION*

Woah. Hm. I'll post a picture of my project when it's finished. I'm going to try my best and make a Metallicar accessory of some kind. ;). NIGHT. Luvs ya all!!! :D


I've got over twenty-four-thousand words written. Almost half-way done and I still have two days to go.

Basically, I have to write twenty pages of tightly packed descriptions and dialogue to get that much written. :P. *Is exhausted*. I'm almost done with the third story of the weekend. ;). It's all good. I'm tired. Going to sleep. Night world. *YAWN!!*

Current Background

MY CURRENT DESKTOP BACKGROUND. ;). Goodness comes in small ... cookies. :P.


I just got the greatest e-mail from my soul-pal, Melissie. She is, of course, the sun in the sky; the laptop to my dvd; the axiom to my absurdity. :P. You get the idea. Opposites that compliment each other and can't live without each other. ;). My analogies tell our tale. :D :D . ;)

Anyway, Just wanted to say. I *HEART* you, Mel. ;). *Glomps for the ages!!!!*


Okay, first of all, just because I favor Jensen Ackles does NOT mean I don't like Jared Padalecki...'cause the dude's awesome!! Both of them are. However. Sadly. This particular post is a shout-out to my man Jensen. ;).

lol. I was surfing the boards over on the CW forum and I found someone with the username: JensensTheMan :D How awesome is that!!???? lol.

Anywhoo, the man is beyond talented in the acting department. Seriously, his performance gets me every time.

AND, while I'm not a huuuge Jared Padalecki follower...I luv the dude himself. I just don't dig his character that much. *Shrug*. I LOVE the dude though - sidetracked. Sorry. Ahem! This is a shout-out for JENSEN ACKLES, everybody.

You got love for the man? Comment about it! ... pls. :P.

My Freckles...Ahem, I Mean, MY Leslie!!! :D

This is the model that we (Mel mostly and me too) decided looked the most like Leslie Kane who is Mel's OC from those great - soon to be - shipper fics!! :D Saslie is so Sweet!! :D :D
She is so adorable. :D. I dig the "brooding""sad of life" look she has. ;). Awesome for Leslie, imho! :).


Okay, I got a little more written on my story, but Nat-han came over and I ended up talking a joking and procrastinating. :P. lol.

Check out the music on Mel's blog. Ever since I first logged over there this morning I've had a browser open and her music playing. My own, lovely radio station with ONLY THE BEST! ;). lol. :D I love it.

I've also been listening to a lot of Theory Of A Dead Man...most specifically, Bad Girlfriend - which I love. Vids not too bad either. :P. lol. :). :D.

Post more later! Peace. Out. ;). :).

Happy Ending

Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas is just...well, it is the story of my Winchester boys. *Weary Sigh*. I want them to have the elusive happy ending so BADLY. I just hope that when the show finally ends they don't go out like Stargate did. An open ending is just too depressing in their line of work. :(. IMHO.

You all have an awesome Saturday!!! Happy Sabbath for ya'all who go to church...everyone else, enjoy your weekend. ;). :D. Almost Thanksgiving. Which, of course, means F.P.I. Patrol for me. :P. Got to make sure those Pies aren't...guilty of anything. lol. Great, now I'm having American Pie flashbacks. *Washes out brain with mouthwash -- I keep this up I'm gonna run out of mouthwash!*. :P. You all have a good one!


Okaay. I am now, officially, a Metalica fan. I always liked the music on movies and on SN, but now I'm a fan of the group!! wOOt!

Erm....*Shuffles feet**Blinks* Sorry, mom. :D. But they're just SO AWESOME!!

Today's Background

This is my laptop wallpaper for today. ;). It changes often - sometimes several times a day. :P. I'm just like that!!


Okay, so, it's another day. Not much happening over here. I'm going to take it easy today - well, I've got a list of things to do, but they're all pretty easy...just time consuming. :P. :D.

I'm feeling much better now that I have SOMETHING to do on the weekdays. *happy sigh*. Let us just hope that it sticks and that I get a good job from somewhere...soon!!

I just watched the greatest Rodney McKay episode. I love David Hewlett. :D :D. It was called 'Brain Storm' and it was wonderful! I may watch it again later today.

My Grammie is sounding a lot better and she is feeling better, but she is still at the hospital and she's still not 100% just yet. Could be a while.

Can't believe that it is almost Thanksgiving AGAIN! It was JUUUST, a week ago! :P

I got another two chapters written on my story and I started another one that I will be working on today. I only have three more days until the contest ends I still have about thirty eight THOUSAND WORDS to go before I reach the 'winner' mark. *Sigh* But I'll get it done. In my haste to finish my story with enough words...well, I think I might have done a bad thing.

You see, I've been shipping a lot lately. Don't know what in the world is wrong with me, but ever since the Sam/Leslie thing I'm seeing ships EVERYWHERE...what's the ship equivalent of a plotbunny? 'Cause these ships are persistent, they won't go away and thy beg to be written about. :P. Or at least noted. *Sigh*. Anyway, I shipped two of my vampires in my original story that I'm working on.

They don't even really like each other so it's not a true ship. More like a shipper version of a "one-nighter". :D. It did give me some great insights into the characters though that I probably would have never gotten had I NOT written that section. Still, it's going to complicate things, but in a good, character-plot-revealing way!! :D

I hope that all is well and right in your worlds. I'm getting off in a few. Just have to do the rounds and check the sites, but then I'm off so that I can get cracking on the writing. ;). Have a good one, guys!! *Hugs* :D

Friday, November 21, 2008


Okay, well...erm, today went better than I thought that it would. ;). Pay's not good, but it's a lot better than nothing. :D. It makes me happy to have something to do OUTSIDE of the house. :D. So, I'm happy with it. ;).

Nat-han's weird.

He is also AWESOME!! He brought me Walle and I am now going to go and watch it, but I wanted to post first and let the world know that all is well and right. Mel, if you get this before you call....give me a few hours because I'm going to be watching a movie. :P. Unless it's uber-important. Actually, I'll e-mail you. ;). :).

Okaaay. So, Jensen Ackles is PERFECT. I just re-watched the last episode and it was absolutely amazing!! How that man hasn't won, like, a mazillion award is totally beyond me. :).

*Waves* I'm off for now. ;). Post more later!

Oh. Yeah. I have almost three days left and still another forty thousand words to go on my novel. *facepalm*. Wish me Good Luck, World. :D ;).

Have a good one! *Hugs* Mel. :D :D

Okay...For REALS

Alright, NOW I'm really, for sure, going to bed. *Sniffle*. I just had to check the boards and facebook one last time. Maybe I'll run by Twitter before I sign off for good. *Sigh*. My Dean Is So Brave.


All of the earlier scenes from episodes leading up to tonight now have new Dean Meaning. In ITGPSW...when they go into the art room and there are all those masks. *Sob*. What Dean must have been remembering!!! The "rack"...*Sob*. What a horrible life he is forced to live. I bet he wanted Uriel to kill obliterate him beyond death. *SOB!!!!* Okay, I'm going to be okay. *sniffle* Just give me a few years. *cries*.

For reals, though, I'll be okay. ;). Just expressing my...well...TEARS of angst. :P. Perfectly normal given what I have just seen and learned.

Okay. Work tomorrow. I AM GOING TO BED...if it's the last thing I do. Hmph. Nite, fellas. ;). Luv ya alls!!! :D.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Did HE???

Did Dean torture his father in hell? The idea is floating around the fanbase and I'm totally hoping that DIDN'T happen. It'd of broke Dean's heart into a million shattered pieces - impossible to fix. He looked up to his dad so much. *SOBS*.

I have work in the morning. *Sniffle*. I'm going to bed now. *Sob*. You all have a great day tomorrow. *Cries some more*. Hope I wake up...I misplaced my alarm clock. *Sigh*. *Facepalm*. *Sniffle*.

*Hugs* To my people. ;). Later!!


Those first two lines are how how I feel tonight. *Sniffle*. :(. :(. :(.

Lyrics | Nine Days lyrics - Absolutely lyrics

I Apologize

I'm sorry for the spelling errors below. *Sniffle*. I was watching the show and typing in the dark so I was typing as I, there are spelling errors. :P. *Sob*.

THIRTY YEARS!!!!!!!Oh. Dean.

*Sorry, the end on the last post sounds like I'm...I have no idea, but I was just very, very upset about what I had just learned about Dean Winchester. *


It’s about to start!!!! :D I’m so excited.

Here we go!! :D :D :D


I hope that Uriel doesn’t do anything to Dean. DEAN BETTER STILL BE SAFE AND ALIVE BY THE END OF THIS EPISODE.

“I’ll kill her gentle”:.

“As a matter of fact we are”

“She is far from innocent”

“Sorry, get yourself another one” lol.


NO, not my MISHA! Watch out guys. GO CAS!! WHOOT. Took Sam out with no My CAS JUST DISAPEARED. WHAT THE FUCK!???? THEY JUST. IF MY CAS IS DEAD. *Dude, when the light appeared and Cas went away I screamed so loud*.


Bloody Mirror. I don’t believe her. Anna knows what she’s doing and that is so not cool. Something bad is on the horizon and I can feel ti!!!

I think my boys are in big trouble.

Demon Racism.

MY PANI ROOM. Love it.

Wow. Dean just said “Thanks, Ruby.” I think I am dead…and I’m in one weird heaven.

Wow. Dean just talked to Ruby. Huh. He seems to almost trust her. I don’t get it. Dean confusing reality with porn. Lol. So him. I don’t believe Anna…why did the angels say that. I don’t believe her…she must know something. The Winchesters know. Ooooh! BOBBY!!!!!! Erem, or at least his house. :P.

Pam. My beautiful, wonderful, sexy Pam!!! She’s back. :PD :D. lol. “Perky little ass of yours” Love that. ;).

Dean had a BIGT GRIN. Love those. :D :D

Maybe Lilith wears plastic so she can look demony. :P. lol. :D

Woah!??? Hypnosis for Anna? Weird. LOVE THAT SHOT THOUGH!!! Awesome. What are we going to learn. What does this all mean? Get us some answers Pam.


Anna is freaking out, why???? What? Powers. More powers. RUBY IS LOCKED OUTSIDE??? What the world. Omgosh, she just knocked dean out. LOL. She knocked Dean down. Woah, she’s got a punch.

I don’t trust her….

She remembers what??

“Who are you?:

She’s an angel??? WTFH?????? WTF???? She’s an angel????

*Commercials suck*….but they make my SN possible. :D

Dude, she’s an angel. How come everyone predicted that??? I mean, why? Why is she an angel and better yet, why is she stuck inside a human body? Is she a fallen angel…..a demon? Or is she a …. WTF??? *Scratches Head*. She’s an ANGEL….SHE’S an angel….she’s AN angel….nope. No matter how I think about it, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

WHY would an angel lose it’s memory and live as a normal human for so long unless she is part of the “Endgame”??? Is she a demon plant or a god plant or what??? Does she play a big part in the apocalypse or is it a coincidence that they ran into her and that this manifested when it did? Is she an angel that lost her wings???? WTFH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

This is one of those episodes I’m going to have to watch and re-watch a few times - I can feel it. :P.


Why does she have a death sentence??
Why did she disobey. I DON’T TRUST HER…I RIPPED OUT MY GRACE, what does that mean? “God’s little power ranger”/

Why does heaven want her dead? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a really long time. She’s no the only fallen angel, right?

OoooH! Getting her Grace back. Lol. FIND HER GRACE. :D :D :D

How is grace a physical thing.

WTF. He just happened to spot that. I think that this episode is ridiculous.

OMGOSH! I think that is just stupid. :P. :P.

Ruby is not got my vote. Ruby is apologizing. How weird is that? I don’t trust her…I don’t want them to trust her…I don’t like the dynamic in this episode.


Learning some darkness on the Samster. What are they talking about. What does he have to do to “tone up his abilities”???? I am so worried right now.

OOOh! I see a Dean and a Anna *Starts to sing* I think it’s the sex scene. :D

Dean totally breaks my heart. Nice moment here where he’s asking her questions. She doesn’t know why he was saved. I LOVE JENSEN ACKLES. Chocolate cake. Lol. I think I like Anna in this scene. She craved the human emotions. Hmm. Does that mean that Cas is doomed to fall too?????

Okay, this scene is making more sense now…I trust Kripke. Everything will make sens. JENSEN is my man!!!! “I can relate” Oh. Awwwwwwwwwww~! Sam interrupts them. Lol. Guess that wasn’t the sex bit after all. :P. :d.

Love me some Impala moments. :D WOW That car is starting to get really full. I love that - an angel and a demon sitting in the back seat. “Dude, reality”.

“You call this reality” I LOVE Dean.

OOOHhhh. Nice shot with them by the Grace-Tree. :D

Very touching moment. Anna touching the tree. I love that.

Someone took her grace. Great. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder by the moment.. I mean. Grace being a real, tangible thing???? I don’t get it. And if she does put it “back into herself” then what?? I mean, she obviously was dissatisfied being an angel so that isn’t going to be good….but at least she’s going to be alive.

LOL.. Poor Pam. I just realized that she’s now been attacked by an angel and a demon. :P. Guess she should’ve sticked with the humans. ;).

I don’t like having these girls along with my boys. I mean. It’s just…I don’t like it. L. Sam, for one, is taken!!! Leslie Kane!!! How can he just go off and forget all about the love of his life!???? She’s probably in her hometown, downing some beers and missing her man…and where’s Sam? He’s GETTING IT ON WITH A FREAKIN’ DEMON! Shame.On.Him.

The Grace-Tree was so pretty!!!!! I cannot wait to see what will happen. :D. Dean especially has been so great so far in this episode. I loved that very real moment between him and Ann. Just beautiful. Jensen Ackles stole my heart!! J

I really hope that they put a lot more Impala into this episode. ;). I’ve been missing the car something awful!! *Hugs Metallicar*. J J.

I love that. Heading to the Panic Room forever. Oooh. The angels are talking again. WATCH OUT DEAN! You can’t go back to Hell. NooooOOOOooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. He can’t go back there!!!! That explains how she knew about the angel-killing weapons.

Another Dean and Anna scene. *Squueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*. :D. I love these scenes between these two. WOW! Insight. Those two are so similar! Wow. Oh! Dean, my poor Dean. The Anels were talking about what he did in Hell. What did he do? What does she know? Whew. It wasn’t his fault. Oh. DEAN. Oh. That’s so great! He’s not alone. You know it, Dean. You aren’t alone!!!

Lol. Sammy got the demon. Dean got the angel. Lol. Back in season one Dean said that Sammy had a thing for the bad chick. Stealing his best line. Lol. I lov those two together. Lol. In the car!!! Lol. Ooooh! I think….WOW!!!!! There is never going to be a scene to rival this scene. I think that Sammy has a run for his money in the hotness department. Dean chose a MUCH better person to share his time with. I am totally into this scene. They are so great togher. Talking, not talking, doesn’t matter. Niiiiiice. 8Happy Sigh*. Okay, I just about fainted right there. Arh. There’s his scar. OMGOSH, she put her hand over his scar. Oh, they are so wonderful. Lol. Hand on the window. I love it!

I ma now so very, very, very, very, very HAPPY with Kripke.

Oooh. Ruby watching Sam sleep. Can’t spell good. She’s burning the hex bag? What in the world? What is she doing? What is Ruby doing? ALASTAIR???!!!

Ruby is going to do something stupid, sisn’t she. . .she shouldn’t have. She’s going to turn over the angel.

Well, she DID get hem into it…I can see why she would want to get them out of it. But I don’t trust her at all. Why doesn’t Alstair just kill her. WWHY DOESN’T ANYONE JUST KILL HER ALREADY!????? Loll DEAN IN THE ALONE WITH THE Uriel. Scary. Oh, thank goodness. He’s dreaming. Cas likes my Dean. *DIES OF HAPPY*. J. Uriel has her grace. OMGOSH! Uriel has her grace!!!

“angel cake” is now Dean’s official cake. :D. :D. :D.



Wow. What an intense torture scene. Ruby being tortured by Alastair. LOOOOOOooooong time in coming. Very niiice. I’m not one for torture - usually it squicks me - but this time. ;). I feel horrible for the hosts body. She isn’t telling them where the angel is. It’s for her own life though. Okay. No change there. She’s going to lead the way to the angel and to the Winchesters. No!!!

I love it. A brother scene - wow, that didn’t last long. Dean is NOT okay, don’t care what he has to say about it. What is going on. ??? .

DEAN, what did you dod???

Dean, why did you? OMGOSH, WHAT DID THAT URIEL DO TO MY DEAN TO MAKE HIM DO THAT. Noooooo. How could they do something like that. Killing Sam or Anna to make Dean do what needs to be done. I am….woah, that was a great Anna/Dean kiss. I love those two together.

NOOOOO. Cas is looking a little . Broken Dean. Ah. Okay, commercial is on so now I can explain.

Cas looks like he doesn’t know if he’s doing the right thing, but he knows what will happen to him should he NOT follow the orders - basically what happened to “Anna” - and he’s not willing to take the chance. OMGOSH, it is just heartbreaking. Dean is forced to do what he doesn’t want to in order to save the life of his family and Cas must do what he doesn’t want to in order to save his soul and help others and keep his angel status. OMGOSH, URIEL IS A FRIGGIN BASTARD AND I HATE HIM WITH EVERYTHING AND I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I SAID HE COULD BE INTERESTING. HE’S NOT INTERESTING AND I AM NOT GOING TO PUT UP WITH HIM DOING THAT TO MY DEAN. URIEL BETTER WATCH HIS BACK, ‘CAUSE IT’S GONNA GET KICKED WHEN HE’S NOT LOOKING - in a very well written, very deep, very personally-fulfilling fanfic!!!!!

I cannot believe how amazing Dean has been in this episode. Actually, since he’s played by Jensen Ackles, I can totally believe it. *Happy Sigh* I think that I just fell in love with that man - oooh, movies back.

Cas wishes he could feel sorry. Poor man. *Huggles* Vcas.


WOW. Standoff for the ages!!!!!!!!

Lol. I love the namecalling. Lol. :

Oooh! Go Castiel. :D

I like Alastair. :D.

Not even Cas is strong enough for Alastair. NOT MY CAS. LET MY CAS GO. LET MY CAS GO. Oh, thank goodness. Dean just saved Cas.

What are they doing? Anna got her Grace back. SHUT YOUR FRIGGIN EYES GUYS. LISTEN TO HER!!!!

Woah!!! I am so glad they shut their eyes. Oh. My. They got their knife back. Then they’re gone. EEEEW. Ruby/Sam look.

I don’t trust her…lol. Love Ruby’s eye rolls. Oh, poor Dean. He lost his girl. That is so depressing. Knowing that she’s not happy and that he did that to her…oh, the poor man must feel so much guilt right now. He’s getting all tored up on the inside. *Huggles Dean*. That man never catches a break longer than five minutes…ever. Not since episode one. I just cannot believe where this season has gone - and I STILL don’t dig the Ruby angle. She has no where to go so she’s sticking with the only party left to her - the ragtag Winchester duo…but as soon as she gets an opportunity she is going to turn on them. I don’t care who she thinks she loves. The woman’s still a demon and I don’t trust her one inch. Even if she saved both of their lives yet AGAIN, I still wouldn’t trust her.

WHAT DID DEAN DO IN HELL??? Dude, it’s going to bother me a lot. At least my theory has been confirmed that it was IN FACT something that he did. *Gratified Smile*. :D

Anna’s hot. J.

I love season four of Supernatural!!! :D :D Dean finally found something - someone. Finally. They were so much alike and now he’s lost her for good. She can’t feel love or loss or anything and he knows that it is because of him. I just. Those scenes between her and Dean were sooo powerful! Short, but intense. I’m a shipper. :P. ;). Of those two.

Oh, I love that ending bit with them sitting on the car. BROTHERLY moment. Ah. Sam’s not gonna push for the story. I need to know. Push Sammy!!!

WE’RE GETTING THE STORY. My worst nightmares come true. Dean. Den. Dean!!! NOOOOO. Oh. This must be so hard for Sam to hear. It was exactly what I thought! Torn to pieces over and over and over again.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Dean did that. FOR THIRTY YEARS!! Oh, Dean!!!!!! I can’t hear this! Dean did that to those people. Oh that must have been so very, very, very, very awful. He did that o those people. OMGOSH. Dean . *SOBS*.

Sam goes right in there defending him. Oh. Dean. Thirty years. *sobs*. Oh. DEAN. YOU’RE BREAKING ME UP INSIDE. Oh dean. You don’t mean that. You can’t. Oh, DEAN.

Dean just told us what happened down there in Hell and it was the most awful thing ever. He - He - He… *Cries*. He had to torture people. He had to tear them apart. He had to bring the same pain to them that was brought on HIM and it’s just too horrible to even. I can’t think about it right now.

THIRTY years.

Icon of the Day



Lyrics | Leona Lewis lyrics - Angel lyrics


After tonight there will be an eight week long hiatus. *Dies at thought* *Revives in anticipation of tonight's episode*.

I'll post all about tonight's episode at length if I feel up to it...still feeling really. Unusual.


Listening to Riot by 3 Days Grace. ;) GREAT SONG!! :D :).

Lyrics | Three Days Grace lyrics - Riot lyrics

Minimal Crisis Averted. :P

Okay. So. Everyone in the know. Crisis averted, for now. ;S. Whew!! Mel, *HUGS* you are the awesome that lights my way through the journey of the unknown *a.k.a. LIFE*. :D. Thank you!! :D. Mom, thanks for all the help. Even Nat-han wasn't so bad today. ;). All had good advice and I made it through this....erm....problem. ;).

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


JENSEN ACKLES in his younger years and his twin. . .Also known as: Brock Kelly


Okay. I've got news on my Gramie. She's out of surgery. SHE WOULD HAVE DIED IF SHE HADN'T OF WENT IN WHEN SHE DID!!! She's okay right now, but it will be a long recovery road...and...well. None of us will be working for a while. I feel so horrible right now. They're both off on medical leave and they aren't getting paid for it -AND they have all these new bills to go along with that badness. So. I'm not helping them at all. Maybe I should just go home.

Although. Nat-han did offer to let me move in with him. That would be good! :). I think. Hope life is good for everyone else. *Hugs* Mel, Mom, Manasa! PML. Post, More, Later. :D.

Today AGAIN...*sigh*

I'm in town right now. Writing and typing and searching and...just "hanging out". :). :(. I'm still in an indeterminate emotional state right now. I'll just call it "neutral". :P.

I found out that I had several thousand more icons and on my computer than I had first thought. Yeah. I re-discovered some that I had saved in weird files and totally forgotten about. I love Icons - just incase you didn't get that from my last post. ;).

I'm a fourth of the way done with my Incongruous novel. I will be finished by the 3oth. It HAS to be finished. So, I'm going to go and work on that some more. If I can get two more sections of it finished by tomorrow then I'll be content with that! :D. That will put the count up to seven. :D. Seven sections is just marvelous to me!! :).

I have a crush on one of the waitresses working at the restaurant I'm sitting in. :P. I'm so weeeird. lol. ;).


Here's my icon of the morning!! ;). Luv me some icons. :P. :).

No News ... IS....Good News??

Well, I haven't heard back from the hospital yet so I'm not sure how my Grammie is doing right now. My Grampa is down there with her right now and Nat-han is here with me right now.

Over-all. Stressful day. *Yawn*. AND I'm tired. Very tired. Yeah. Mt. Dew or coffee.....mmmmm.....COFFEEE!!!!! I'll have to make a pot when I'm finished with this post.

I decided to make a list of GOOD things that I've got RIGHT NOW. So, no more moping about being sad at the world. My top TEN list of GOOD THINGS is right here, right now. :D. Friends are not included, because everyone KNOWS they're at the top. ;). So, I'll leave them off for now. *GLOMPS* Friends.

THE LIST of pure goodness:

1.) Icons
2.) Dean Winchester
3.) Ability to sleep a late as I want
4.) Coffee
5.) History - books. ;).
6.) My laptop - my writing ON my laptop! ;)
7.) My Peshy - who I miss a lot!!
8.) Music on Youtube
9.) Penguins
10.) Being nice and warm - last but not least. :P.

Yeppers. That's my list of goodness for this morning. OOH! And Mel is shipping my SHIP! Yeah! :D :D :D Go Leslie/Sam! Wooohooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Monday, November 17, 2008

AND Then there was HOPE

Okay, Mel and Kathy both called tonight. Life is not so dark after all. Things are right and bright and cheery and .... alright, maybe not quite, but it's a whole lot better!

Mel always makes life better. :D. *Glomps* Mel. ;). All my woes are swept under the weaved carpet of denial and hope. ;). It is all good again. lol. :D.

AND then there was Alec

The actor who will be playing youg Dean in the coming episode looks kinda like DA Alec.:D. Me likey! :).

Made noodles for dinner tonight. Going to work on my story. I joined NaNoWiMo so I will hopefully win!! wOOt! Mel, you should google and join! It's fun. :D. ;). :).

November's almost over. I hate life. I mean, I hate some parts of life. I love all the rest. :P. ;).